Aries New Moon Affirmations 2020


Aries New Moon

Aries marks the beginning of a new astrological year and the Aries New Moon further establishes the new era.

So officially the start of the new decade 2020 is on March 24th at 10:28am UTC or 5:28am EST.

Spring marks the beginning of a new season and this is hands down the best time to plant MAJOR seeds for the year ahead!!

I know we are all in lockdown around the world which is completely unorthodox in its own way but don’t allow this time to plant your seeds for future success to go to waste.

I have created a Aries New Moo. Vision Board Workshop Blogpost if you want to check out how to combine intention and photos to manifest your dream life in yesterdays post!

If you are a great writer or scripter I have included some of my favorite affirmations below!!!

If you don't do any other new moon affirmations all year and only do the Aries New Moon you are completely set so don't skip this one!

These seeds planted now could best fruit next month or next year the big objective is to plant them!

I have done the Aries New Moon Affirmations for years and I have manifested my dream car, dream ring, house, and career! If you would have asked me in 2015 what my life would look like I wouldn't have ever dreamed of the current life I live today!

It's all about embracing the law of attraction and believing you are worthy of the life of your dreams!

Make sure you write your affirmations on paper don't type it and WRITE it in your own handwriting after the New Moon( not a second before 10:28AM UTC/5:28AM EST/ 4:28am CST/2:28AM PST!

Hope these affirmations are inspiring for you as we shift into this new transformational decade! Make sure you're not operating out of fear and a scarcity mindset as you create and visualize the life of your dreams!

New Beginnings:

I want to easily find myself embracing a new beginning in my love life(career and social life)

Every day my life is unfolding in perfect timing.

I understand that Transformational changes are ahead of me and I will walk into the next phase of my life with ease and understanding that I will achieve my goals.

Every day I am living a life out of intention and gratitude.

Every day I wake up is an opportunity for me to achieve my dreams and make a positive impact on others.

Blessings and opportunities surround me daily and I am able to receive them with ease, grace, and gratitude.

Love 💕 

I want to easily find myself attracting the man or woman of my dreams.

I want to easily find myself evolving and growing so that once I meet my soulmate I am wholly myself and able to unite fully in union with my mate.

I want to easily find myself expressing myself with passion and authenticity.

I want to easily find myself in a sexually satisfying relationship.

I want to attract a deep spiritual partnership that's worthwhile with ease and without guilt.

I am a magnetic and attractive woman inside and out!

I want to confidently step outside my comfort zone to meet my soulmate.

I want all karmic and self sabotaging tendencies regarding love to be dropped with ease and intention.

I am worthy of love plain and simple it’s not earned but unconditionally meant for me.
I am lovable and worthy of love.
I want to attract a temporary relationship that is fun and effortless.

I want to attract a genuine connection that is not hurried or rushed but allows us to mature in unison.

Career 💵

I want to easily find myself showing up to work with passion ambition and confidence.

I want to easily find myself excelling at work to easily accomplish my career goals.

I want to easily find myself taming my instincts during this time of isolation and not allowing myself to self-sabotage.

I want to easily find myself working in a position that brings me peace of mind.

I want to easily attract money and wealth in a guilt-free way.

I want to embrace an abundant and gratitude mindset with ease and without discomfort.

I want to make money in a happy way.

The more I give, the more I receive and the more I receive the more I give.

I AM affirmations:

I am an abundantly successful person.

I have all of my needs taken care of without a shed of doubt or fear in the way.

I am happy, healthy, wealthy and in love with my life.

I am loved and protected beyond my own comprehension.

I am a manifesting queen and I am deserving of ALL of my gifts

I am driving the car of my dreams with gratitude and happiness.

I am self-sufficient, confident, divinely guided and intentionally impactful in everything that I do.

I am not living my life out of fear but out of intention and direction for impact.

I am happy and healthy.

I love my life and I am grateful for every breath that I take as I live a purpose-filled and intentionally driven life.

Comment below your favorite affirmation and please share with your friends who are quarantined inside and need a little ray of sunshine ☀️ as thru all of this darkness the light will come out and we will come out stronger and brighter than ever!!!

Peace, Love and Shalom,

Karen Love 💕

Karen Love