Aries New Moon RoadMap 2020

Aries New Moon 2020 Vision Board Road Map 

This new moon is the one to really pay attention to of the twelve for the year. This year is no different but the WORLD is completely different. No explanation needed (COVID-19). I planned on hosting a vision board workshop for this specific new moon but earlier this month I was still feeling resistance for some reason and I completely understand why! But when life gives you lemons you gotta make lemonade… a virtual Vision Board Workshop it is!


Why is the Aries New Moon so important?

The answer is in astrology Aries marks a new astrological year and the Aries New Moon signifies new beginnings. So for the New Year ahead it makes sense to make a vision board “road map” term coined from Jan Spiller in New Moon Astrology”-mapping where you want to go and what you would like to attain in the year ahead!


When can I make my New Year Road Map?

Starting from one minute AFTER the New Moon to 2 days after. Not a minute before

(As the new Moon hits in the early morning hours on 3/24 at 4:28am CST, 5:28am EST or 10:28AM GMT.)

Best thing to do is to slate the Vision Board for early Tuesday morning



Supplies Needed:

·      Magazines (minimum of 2, the more the better, variety is key)

·      Chalk Markers, Pencils, Pens-optional choice of pens to write on the board

·      Cardboard or Posterboard (size doesn’t matter)

·      GlueSticks

·      Scissors

·      Blocked off  uninterrupted time on your schedule

·      Intention

·      Law of Attraction-Basic Knowledge





1.     Gather all of the supplies and keep them together.

2.     Make sure you don’t start glueing down the photos or pictures a second before the NEW MOON hits only AFTER!!

3.     Start off the activity by setting an intention for the board and your vision for 2020-3a.-If unsure of your intention, think about what is not going correctly for you and where you would like for it to go. 

4.     Meditation- I recommend for you to set aside 15-25 minutes for meditation. Its important for you to get in touch with your spirit guides and spiritual team for confirmation for your 2020 RoadMap.

5.     Once you have the intention now start cutting out your key words and themes and add them as you feel called to. 

6.     Start perusing the magazines and cut out any images that you feel called to cut out that emulate the life you want to live. Or a goal you want to achieve. 

7.     Glue all of the words and images as you creatively feel called to do. Its all about you, you don’t have to glue the photos in a certain way or even fill the board. Its all up to you and how you feel called to do it.

8.     FINISH within 48 hours of the NEW Moon

9.     Complete the board with a prayer and intention. The intention of fulfillment and manifestation in your life and let it go with the feeling of its already on the way to you! ALREADY ON THE WAY!!

10.  Visualize you are that person who has the life portrayed in the photos, feel it and believe it as its on the way.

11.  EITHER FRAME IT OR HIDE IT! Its up to you! If you would like to look at it everyday or you can review it monthly or quarterly. (Do what you feel called to do.))I personally made it and forgot about it because I knew if I looked at it everyday I would instead obsess instead of manifest!)


I have made this vision board every year for the past 4 years and I have had so many things manifest from my car to a new job and even a marriage proposal! Its not magic but it’s the power of intention, visualization and the law of attraction.

I have included links below for meditation as well as explanation for the law of attraction


Law of Attraction Videos

1. The Secret Movie On YouTube-

2. Law of Attraction Explained-

3. Abraham Hicks- Manifestation Video-

4.Law of Attraction Tips from Lavendaire-


Meditation Videos:

Before you listen to the meditation videos go in with the intention for guidance for 2020 Vision Board Road Map


1. Ten Minute Meditation-FAV-

2. Guided 10 Minute Meditation-

3.Calm 10 Min Meditation-


Sending love and light your way as you manifest your dream life! Its so important that you are in a high vibe atmosphere as you create this board so make sure if you aren’t feeling up for it the first day make sure you make time the second day. ITS ALL ABOUT YOUR MINDSET AND INTENTION!!! 

If you have any questions about the board feel free to email me as I am happy to assist at 

Blessings, Love and Light,

Karen Love