Brighter Souls



Karen Love

Astro-Numerologist & Life Strategist

I’m here to help you & guide you to live life in rhythm with the universe and enable you to make successful decisions regarding love, life, career and everything in between.
— Karen Love- Founder of Brighter Insights Co.

“I specialize in assisting others in an intentional and manifest driven way! My goal is to empower you to live in the rhythm of the universe and to create and live your purpose in an impactful way. So that you can impact your family, colleagues and friends by living your highest truth! Email me for a consult to make sure we match vibrationally!”

Rhythm of life

It all started when…

I was in grade school…. I was the youngster in the New Age book section reading my horoscope and that of my crush!! Only to look up today and I do celebrities and friends compatibility charts! What a dream it has been ever since!


“My mantra is to live life LOVE-centered and serve from my heart.”



Hello and welcome to Brighter Insights! I want to start out by saying it is a BIG step to be searching for light and enlightenment. I believe it is an honor to guide and assist you with any answers you are seeking!

Focus: Astrology, Numerology & Life Strategist

Karen Love is an active Astrologer and Numerologist and Owner/Founder of Brighter Insights Coaching & Consulting Firm.


As a child I was always attracted to Astrology by reading the weekly horoscopes and researching comparability and zodiac signs in the newspapers and fashion magazines. But by the time I was in high school I took a more in-depth jump into researching the amazing benefits of astrology.

By the time I graduated college I had amassed a large variety of books on astrology and was able to accurately guess strangers birthdays and zodiac signs.

After graduation from college I actually serendipitously met my Numerology teachers who have guided me and accurately taught me Pythagorean Numerology which has been around for hundreds of years!

Numerology was the missing piece in my studies and completely complements and validates astrology findings as well!!

Numerology will enable you to plan and live life in the right rhythm of the universe! Have you ever tried to start a project one day only to be met with continual obstacles and standstills only to start another day and have it effortlessly flow correctly and meaningfully? It’s dependent upon the energy of that day and your own personal life path!

Thats why I’m here to help you and guide you to a Brighter Insight for your daily life!!

Thank you for reading this far and I welcome you with love and light!


Karen Love

Owner/Founder-BrighterInsights Consulting


“Karen is great! Loved talking with her and completely floored by the accuracy of the reading.

/  Satisfied client  /

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