Taurus New Moon 2020 on Earth Day
Taurus New Moon
A New Moon on Earth Day is quite a coincidence that's hard to ignore!
Read on for affirmations to attract wealth and prosperity into your life during this unorthodox time.
Taurus rules the second house of possessions and monetary rewards so this new Moon is great for those who want to actively and intentionally attract wealth into your life! 💰 💵
So that's why this New Moon is by far the one that I recommended for you to participate in! It will help you to get you set up for 2020! The New Moon of Taurus officially hits on 4/22/2020@ 7:25 PM PDT. (+8 hours before and not a minute before the lunar energy is strong for manifesting your biggest wishes with affirmations!)
Keep reading for several of my favorite affirmations that have really assisted me with achieving my dreams in several areas of my life.
What are New Moon Affirmations?
I first heard of New Moon Affirmations from Jan Spillers New Moon book almost 4 years ago and it has been a serious game-changer for me regarding me achieving my dreams from getting married to getting my dream car!
Yall this book seriously has been my secret weapon to manifesting my dream life! Lucky for you I am happy to share some quick tips to help you make the most of this Sag lunar energy!
It is important to make the affirmations in your handwriting and you write it saying what you want to achieve and visualize as if you already have it! As the law of attraction, the secret is to act like you already have it an not to hold on tight and keep thinking about it.
Let the wish go with a sweet surrender as if you already have it and you are still whole and successful without it! That seems like a contradiction but it’s all about the mindset with the law of attraction! Act as if you have it and you're not incomplete without it and you will receive it if it's in your best interest! Always be careful about what you wish for! Act in the highest good and wish on the highest good for your situation.
Below I have listed several examples for different areas of your life to make your affirmations. You can use them as a guide for how to set up your own personal affirmations.
I want lots of money in a happy way.
I want to easily find myself living in comfortable and abundant surroundings.
I want to easily find myself attracting the correct position of employment that increases my wealth, gives me peace, and fits my talents.
Also, this affirmation is helpful when it’s your first time making this list as it’s a process to accept the gifts and you don’t want to repel your gifts out of fear!
“ I want to easily find myself accepting of the gifts manifesting without guilt and resistance”
Money flows to me easily.
I am a rich child of a loving universe.
These are seven affirmations I listen to when I'm intentionally working on manifesting and attracting wealth.
I am worthy of a wealthy life.
Money comes to me in miraculous ways.
I am deserving of abundance in my life.
I am open to receive wealth in many ways.
I love my positive, happy and abundant life.
The more I give the more I receive, the more I receive the more I give.
Life is abundant and I am safe.
Click here: https://youtu.be/ExplS4PjjEQ
for a video of the affirmations repeated three times each. Crazy powerful in the repetition. If you want to listen to them before bed or working out
Additionally, I will be working on a full blog post focused on Wealth affirmations oon so stay tuned!
💕Love 💕
I want to easily find myself attracting the correct mate and life partner for the collaborative success of us both.
I want to easily find myself in the right place at the right time to meet my future partner.
I want to easily find myself showing my current partner the love and support for a healthy and passionate relationship.
I want to easily find my soulmate with ease and recognition.
Self Confidence☀️🙌
I want to easily find myself accepting my natural talents and abilities.
I want to easily find myself being myself in a harmonious way that is harmonious for others and myself.
I confidently stand in the limelight with humility and expertise.
I want to easily find myself in the spotlight without guilt and shame.
Peace of Mind ☮️ 🙏
I am able to fully embrace myself quirks and all as I am perfectly imperfect.
I am fully able to embrace love while letting go of fear.
I am a breathing walking embodiment of inner peace and soulful resilience.
I can conquer any obstacles that come my way as lessons learned are stepping stones to my success.
I easily flow with strength and resilience through tough times as I WILL come out on top of every situation.
I surrender any expectations that are not serving me and my highest good and receive without equanimity the peace that that I thirst for.
These affirmations above are just examples. Feel free to comment below any affirmations you are using and that are working for you.
Allow yourself to take the leap of wishing for whatever your heart desires! This is the time to really believe in the impossible! This is the time to really allow yourself to see the infinite possibilities for your life!
Don't forget that once things start working in your favor that you have to KEEP working to achieve that goal.
AND if things start turning against you all of a sudden babe that means you are getting so much closer to achieving that goal!! Hang tight and have faith! Mindset is seriously everything during this quarantine time.
Focus on intentionally manifesting with the energy reserve you have and visualizing yourself living in that outcome.
Sending so much love to you during these times.
Love & Light,
Karen 💕 💕