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Pisces New Moon Affirmations 2020

Pisces New Moon

The Pisces New Moon hits on 2/23/2020 at 9:30 AM CST. (+8 hours after and not a minute before the lunar energy is strong for manifesting your biggest wishes with affirmations!)This New Moon is one for all of my spiritual seekers and those who want to make BIG changes in their life in 2020! Spiritually expansive and often elusive are the current moonbeams with this Pisces New Moon.

In order to capitalize on this New Moon, I highly recommend that you write your New Moon Affirmations highlighting the key themes and things that you would like to attract into your life!

Every New Moon has its own theme and certain spheres of your life are more highlighted and this Pisces New Moon is no different. Pisces rules the 12th House of the psyche and past life karma and spirituality. The depth of the soul and karmic debts you have brought in from past lives are seen here so understand if you are feeling moody and a little down during this time it's alright! You are feeling those deep waves of change and transformation! I always feel more in tune spiritually during this time and this year was no different.

I actually studied and attained my Reiki 1 Certification on 2/22/2020 which was also harnessing the New Moon energy! If you are a Pisces or have any key Pisces placements you will definitely feel triggered during this time, work with it and not against it. Also, your manifestations and affirmations are strengthened during this New Moon so please make your affirmations! If you are unsure of where or how to start your affirmations I have several examples below to get you started!

What are New Moon Affirmations?

I first heard of New Moon Affirmations from Jan Spillers New Moon book almost 4 years ago and it has been a serious game-changer for me regarding me achieving my dreams from getting married to getting my dream car!

Yall this book seriously has been my secret weapon to manifesting my dream life! Lucky for you I am happy to share some quick tips to help you make the most of this Sag lunar energy!

It's really important for you to make the affirmations in your handwriting and you write it saying what you want to achieve and visualize as if you already have it! As the law of attraction, the secret is to act like you already have it an not to hold on tight and keep thinking about it.

Let the wish go with a sweet surrender as if you already have it and you are still whole and successful without it! That seems like a contradiction but it’s all about your mindset with the law of attraction! Act as if you have it and you're not incomplete without it and you will receive it, if it's in your best interest! Always be careful for what you wish for! Act in the highest good and wish on the highest good for your situation and others in your life.

Below I have listed several examples for different areas of your life to make your affirmations. You can use them as a guide for how to set up your own personal affirmations.

Spiritual Journey: Key Theme for the month

I want to easily find myself dealing with deep seated trauma with ease and love.

When I encounter any events that trigger my inner child I want to respond with love for myself so that I can heal and move forward in my spiritual journey.

I want to easily find myself meditating daily for my souls benefit.

I am protected by my guardian angels and spirit guides.

I want to easily tune in to my spirit guides and spiritual team for guidance.

If I am looking for a sign or affirmation I want to easily ask my spiritual team with ease and  clarity.


I want to easily find myself responding in a romantic and loving way to my partner!

I want to easily attract the right partner who matches me on a soul level.

I want to easily attract my soul mate.

I want to easily find myself taking more risks in my love life.

Opportunities of showing myself self love and empowerment will come easily to me in the next 6 months.


I want to attract with ease my dream job.

I want to attract with ease a career that fits my talents and strengths perfectly.

I want to wake up each day with a passion for my career.

I hope to attract a short term position that sets me up for the my dream job.

I want to find satisfaction in my current job position.

I want to easily find myself attracting financial abundance.

These affirmations are meant to be a starting point for your own personal list! Make sure your affirmation list caters to the big themes in life you want to change as well.

Comment below one of your favorite affirmations as I love to hear them!

Peace & Love,

Karen Love💕