Leo Full Moon in 20 Degrees on 1/9 @ 1:33 AM CST
The Full Moon is in Leo is exactly at 20 degrees at 1:33 AM CST, 11:33 PM PT time and early morning for European countries.
This Full Moon is a very flamboyant and exhilarating full moon, to say the least. When is Leo not the center of attention? As the Sun is the natural ruler of Leo this Leo Moon placement is powerful.
Don't be surprised if you are normally shy and like to work behind the scenes and during the buildup time to the FM you find yourself sprinting to the spotlight!
Embrace it and work with it!
Another common theme that I have seen in the collective is the need to open our heart centers to allow love in.
As last month's energy of Capricorn can sometimes cause us to be callous and hardworking and 1000% focused on goals and ambition it can be hard to open up the protective shell for little ole love. But it's incredibly necessary.
I have included several amazing meditations that I recommend during the full moons potent energy (The moon energy is potent 2 days before and 2 days after!)
These meditations are great for any sign as we are shifting into Pisces season and sensitivity and spirituality will be at the forefront!
Guided Meditation to open Heart for love and Kindness: https://youtu.be/HiaDYKbMINc
Guided Meditation to Open to Love:
Full Moon Meditation:
Regarding where the moonbeams will be casting the light this Full Moon Season pays attention to where Leo 20 degrees is hitting your natal chart as this is the area that is to be highlighted as well as the area where the fruits of your labor are to be presented.
Check out your Rising And Sun Sign for Tips to make this Full Moon 🌕 work for you!
With this full moon the focus will be on your creative talents and children. Your mind should be incredibly fertile with ideas and if you work in screenwriting or acting this is an opportune time for you! So if you are feeling in the mood to pull an all-nighter go ahead as your future self will thank you later! If you don't label yourself a writer or creative then I recommend you do something different to shake things up with your children or family even an impromptu game night will be fun! Your driving force to create this full moon can happen in any area of your life just listen for the call.
This full moon places a focus on family time and your home. As well as your parents and mainly your father. If you are a mother or father you will feel more eager to reach out to your parents.
Even a possible extra addition to the family. Most women go in labor during a full moon! This is a great time for fertility 🌟🌟So if you are planning to expand your family make sure you schedule time with your significant other during this fertile time.Overall this full moon will encourage you to pay close attention to your family unit and require a balance between work and family life.
This full moon encourages you to be as creative as you can be and you will most definitely feel like a chatty Kathy during this full moon. As the full moon is in your normal house of communication you could feel energized and also have a rev up of creative energy regarding communication. We all know Gemini's like to talk but make sure you're not giving away all of the secrets during this full moon though. This is a great time for you to take center stage, as well as your creative gifts, should be bringing fruits either in the form of a presentation, publication, travel, or work of art!
There is a focus and spotlight placed on how you make money this full moon cycle. You may feel eager to jump out in the spotlight of this full moon with an entrepreneurial adventure but make sure you check the details before the leap. Crossing those t's of budgets and expenditures and dotting those I's of longevity and profit reports will make the leap worth it and a lot less stressful!Also, you could be receiving a windfall or small raise during this full moon! Enjoy as you deserve it!
Hey, boss babe are you feeling those moonbeams during this full moon! Could you feel the energy of it earlier this month increasing more in your favor! I mean when is life not in your favor right? This full moon is bringing amazing fruits and rewards for you that you've been working hard on for the past 6 months! These rewards will most def come to the limelight and may appear to be too good to be true but they are well-earned jewels. Take them and enjoy them but also don't hesitate to share them because everyone has they're turn of windfalls and make sure your team knows you are a charitable captain! Also you could find yourself making big changes in your appearance to really rev up your looks! Great time to change up your beauty routine.
This full moon you may find yourself wanting to be in the background working on yourself. During this time the full moon brings up more prophetic dreams and also deep-seated drama, karma and old wounds you need to heal! This is a time when I highly encourage you to dig deep and intentionally work on helping yourself and identifying any self-sabotaging tendencies you may have. Also if you are intuitive and psychically gifted you will receive lots of insight and synchronicities regarding any questions you may have.If you have a burning question about any past life karma or just any blind spots that you want to heal ask your spirit guides for assistance and guidance. Sometimes all they need from you is for you to ask.
This full moon wants you to focus on who your true friends are and if they are still serving you! Also overall are you collabing and networking in the correct way with others? Are you playing fair? Intentionally allowing collaboration and friendships into your life during this time as the saying goes, ”If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together.”
If you find yourself fighting this, Research Solar Plexus/ Root Chakra Balancing/ Meditations as these two chakras could be out of alignment. Once you feel grounded and open to receiving this full moon will work to your advantage.
This full moon shifts a focus to your career and the overall contribution you are making to the world! As Leo is about being center stage and Scorpio likes to be behind the scenes this full moon brings up an important question.
What blessings are you blocking by not taking center stage?
Make sure that you are attracting center stage opportunities, promotions and elevated positions of status into your life. Accept them don't block them as you are more than deserving! All of the work you have done behind the scenes (good or bad) will determine the type of rewards you will receive during this full moon!
This full moon should feel really good for you energetically if you're in alignment with your purpose. If you aren't in alignment then opportunities to expand and grow may not to be as forthcoming as you'd like them to be. Expansion in higher education, spiritual pursuits and TRAVEL are highlighted during this full moon. A possible visa and passport application can come back approved and overall just any serendipitous travel opportunities that present themselves are gifts for you!Expansion of any kind is also highlighted so I highly recommend any meditation retreats and guided meditations at home! You will be surprised where you can travel to with your mind!
This full moon focuses on other people's money and possible inheritances and settlement of estates and court cases. This full moon will show any seeds you have planted 6 months ago. Also, you will feel magnetically pulled to investigate occult studies ie: Astrology/Numerology and maybe even tarot. Overall a quest for hidden knowledge. You will also have themes and opportunities come up that will require you to review how you give and take with others in your life? Are you balanced in your giving? If you're not don't expect others to be, but by actively and intentionally reviewing the balance then you can turn the tides to a more balanced exchange.
Last note: Heightened time for psychic intuition and highly recommend guided meditation for any deep questions that may be bothering or afflicting you. Your spiritual team is here to assist, just ask.
This full moon places the spotlight on your intimate relationships with your spouse, partner, and open enemies. Open enemies not to scare you but to encourage you to review your relationship with them.Your marriage partner and they're needs will be important for you during this time. They could have a health or work crisis that will require you to spend more time assisting them. Don't get frustrated just give as your union is still a reflection of you and them as a whole. Also with the full moon here you will have more questions come up about your personal appearance. Do you need to get a more stylish haircut and a new wardrobe? Are you currently putting your best foot forward? If not what can you do TODAY to change that? Now go do it! This is important as you are currently putting a lot of energy into your partnership, but you HAVE to make sure you're not neglecting your self! As you can't pour from an empty cup!
This full moon places emphasis on how you are taking care of your health! Are you actively eating the correct foods and practicing the correct habits? Have you started that bad habit again because "blah blah blah" has occurred? STOP 🛑 right now and listen!!
Those habits have been broken for a reason don't pick them up again out of laziness or just apathy. You are an amazing person who has so much to give to the world so don't let those bad habits get in the way of your gift! Also if you find yourself sick and just overall not feeling as high energy during this full moon don't resist it and force your body to do other things. Use those sick days they are there for a reason.
Allow your body to rest as it's so important you be fully functional at the next New Moon! It's almost like the time you are taking to rest is allowing you to create an energy reserve to walk out in the New Moon like a new shiny and sparkly new you!! So just lean into the current cycle and if you can take any medicine and vitamin supplements and B12 to help protect your body the better!
Thank y'all so much for checking out this Full Moon’s Forecast!
If you're unsure of where this full moon hits in your chart don't hesitate to send me a message! Several people sent me messages on the last Full Moon Forecast and I was so happy to help!
Please make sure you include your
-Birthday/Birth time & Location of birth as it's important to determine your exact birth chart!
Spending love and light your way,
Karen Love 💕