Venus in Cancer

Venus officially has entered Cancer today 8/7 at 10:08 am CST. 

The crazy thing is Venus spent more time than usual in Gemini with its Retrograde motion. The shift into Cancer is a welcome relief. I woke up with an extra pep in my step and overall lightness! This could be because it really had a fantastic aspect to my chart but regardless this aspect has a completely different tone than the past few months has been!

4 Key Things

Venus in Cancer is all about that nurturing, protective, romantic, and sexy vibe!

Venus will be in Cancer until September 6th at 2:10AM CST when it shifts into Leo. 

Praise for the shift from the overload of intellectual information and news and shift to focus on your family and relationships. Where can you take actionable steps to change your home environment?

How can you actively incorporate more love into your life? IN ALL areas?

This is a great time to fully embody mother earth in all its emotional ebbs and flows!


Don’t be harsh on yourself if you are more emotional and not so intellectual and logical!

Don’t be surprised if you are more emotional and sensitive during this time. 

-Also, pay attention to your moon time during this aspect as you should be more sensitive to your cycle. So rest accordingly!

Don't be quick to make assumptions.


-Do spend more time alone in nature and alone in general.

-As the crab is known for being in its shell


Do plan for more nights in with your boo thang as this is in alignment with the current climate. Spice up the evenings with sexy lingerie and a candlelight dinner!

Home Fort or Picnic??

Great time to express your feelings and feel all of the feels

Be careful of power struggles and jealousy arguments between you and your lover. As everyone is hypersensitive during this time.

Embrace changes in your love life or your career if you work in Venus-ruled career fields(beauty, fashion, interior decorating, and cooking.)

Sending love and light to you,

Karen Love

Karen Love