Hey, yall can you believe we are experiencing the first full moon of the decade! That’s cray cray!

I have been telling all of my clients who have done they’re 2020 YEAR Ahead Report how important this Full Moon is!

Today’s Full Moon in Cancer happens at 1:21 PM CST in 20 Degrees. 20 degrees represents the mystical and metaphysical!

There is so much meaning to the numbers surrounding this Full Moon

First off the Universal Day of 1/10/2020 = 6 Universal Day which is a focus on family! Adding to this family focus is that Cancer focuses on the family unit and even more pronounced is the fact that the ruler of Cancer is the MOON!

Yall this is telling me that there will be lots of family time to be expected. Also if you find yourself feeling homesick and wanting to be around the women in your life DON’T RUN from those feelings but lean into it! SENTIMENTAL much??

Also if you are a mother or grandmother you will find yourself reaching out to your children as well! A quiet night in with the family is highly advised. And realize that people act super cray cray during a FULL Moon so don’t be surprised and just expect the unexpected!

Say it with me,

”Expect the unexpected”

Another way to see where this lunar eclipse will affect you personally is to see which house the full moon lands in and which others planets are aspected! For me personally it landed in my 5th House! Which is a marvelous placement for creative endeavors! I can not tell you how refreshed and refueled my creative tank is feeling yall! I can literally see myself staying up all night catching up on the content I have for my websites and blogs! If you have a Pisces or Aquarius Ascendant you will love this energy of the full moon! Also, something I have to mention which is quite unexpected is that my 6th House Cusp is of the Health and Daily Work duties and co-workers are at 20’32 in Cancer which is interesting. My health could shift as well

Make sure you make the full moon energy work for you!

You can’t control the planet but you can work with them to know what’s ahead and what’s the best way to use that energy.

Cancer Ascendant: You could find yourself wanting to change your appearance and attire. Be careful of what you do and don’t get too impulsive as the Saturn/Pluto placement could affect your

Gemini Ascendant- Change in Finances- This could be a good omen or negative depending on the previous Cancer Eclipse in Jan 2019 and the Capricorn Full Moon this past July. Pay attention to what was going on around that time. If its time to move to a new job don’t be shocked if you receive your answer in the next few days.

Taurus Ascendant- Short trips, Communication Affected- If you have a short trip planned then make sure you have backup plans in order. A full moon people drive crazier on the roads than normal!

Aries Ascendant -Family and Homelife is changing and transforming. Your parents could need you and also will be feeling pretty moody during this time. Also, pay attention to your actual home unit, be mindful of any home repairs needed. You may need to hire a handyman which could be a good time for the resolution of any home repair issues.

Pisces Ascendant-Creative increase and transformation- Increase energy in creative pursuits and also time spent with your own children. This is a good time to start a book or any creative venture. Scriptwriting, publication and sales presentations are highlighted

Aquarius Ascendant-Changes in Health and Daily Work Habits, Co-workers- If you find yourself overcoming a sickness this is a good sign. When you overcome a sickness on a full moon that means you are ending that chapter. Its not good to be sick on a New Moon as it will harder to get rid of during that NEW CYCLE>

Capricorn Ascendant-Changes in your Personal Relationships with your partner and also be mindful of secret enemies. Everyone around you is moody as hell! DON’T ENGAGE! and Just breathe!

Sagittarius Ascendant- Possible delay in inheritance and also increase interest in metaphysics. Find yourself staying up late reading your horoscope and diving deep into astrology, numerology or tarot.

Scorpio Ascendant- Changes in Long Distance Travel, you could receive key information that will help you make up your mind about pursuing higher education.

Libra Ascendant- Drama at work with moody co-workers is possible. Also, an ending of work or short term employment is possible. If this happens to embrace the unknown as you prepare for the next chapter of your life.

Virgo Ascendant- Moody friends much! Also, you could find out you have gossipy friends so be mindful of what secrets you share during this sentimental full moon. Also, you could find yourself spending time with friends today.

Leo Ascendant- Heightened Psychic Abilities and Intuition- This is a great time if you are already naturally intuitively gifted. Premonitions Much??

Make sure you pay attention to the EXACT house that the Cancer Eclipse falls into 20 Degrees in Cancer.

If you are unsure of where Cancer at 20 degrees is in your chart click here for the Astro.Com Chart Description (scroll to the bottom under the free intro chart and see where Cancer is in the house. )

If you know your ascendant than look above and by looking at the chart you can see which house its in since its 20 Degrees in Cancer.

If you are still unsure comment below your birth time and info or even send me an email at Lets Chat and I am happy to help!

Sending love and light and amazing moonbeams to you,

Karen Love

Cancer Full Moon