Brighter Souls

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Capricorn New Moon Most Potent of 2024

The Capricorn New Moon 🌙🌑  takes place at 6:58 am EST. This Capricorn New Moon is ideal for those who want to excel professionally and want to create change in their monetary bank account and mental piggy bank!🏦

Capricorn naturally rules Saturn rules the 10th House, your Midheaven, and it. If you're a Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, or Libra, you will definitely be feeling it today. Also, if you’re a Capricorn, you could be in the spotlight today! ✨

This New Moon is one of the most potent for 2024, and it is ideal for those wanting to commit to changing bad financial habits and bringing in new monetary opportunities!💵








intentions and affirmations✨

Big Daddy Genie 🧞, wishing vibes ahead!!!✨✨

I have been dreaming of this New Moom for SIX weeks, and I'm telling you, it's one to be excited about!!

Any New Moon Affirmations made today will be super potent!

Capricorn rules the areas of discipline, long-term goals, career aspirations, and father figures, literally and figurately.

With the Sun, Moon, Mars & Pluto all being in Capricorn, this is definitely some BIG daddy energy!

Cap New Moon Exercises

  1. Create your Capricorn New Moon Affirmations📝( “Be specific but still intuitive”)

  2. Release any fears holding you back(Call out these fears by name. Intentionally give yourself a deep self-assessment.)

  3. Fears Release Exercise (Write down your worries and things you feel guilty about and release them by burning the paper)

  4. Take a Cleansing Shower🌊

The last step is to take a cleansing shower as you have intentionally released the old you and are coming out of the bath as a NEW you! The new you that is ready to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself!

This is a suggestion of exercises showing your intentionality for this new moon! I recommend you only do what you feel guided to do, as your soul knows what it needs today!

Don't forget the New Moon Affirmations are the most potent the first 8 hours after the New Moon.

Lastly, don't let this highly energetic New Moon pass you by! Even if you just take 5 minutes and hold a vision of future YOU in your heart, then you've accomplished your goal of tapping in today!

Love & Light

Karen Love✨

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