Brighter Souls

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Are you feeling your #goals??

This Full Moon has totally kicked me into gear in a good way!! I personally have had a reawakening in perspective and clarity of my goals and life purpose that is totally supported and it’s shown in my personal birth chart. This Full Moon by far is my favorite of the year! I was feeling all of the FEELS even up until the full moment of the Full Moon. Which the Capricorn Full Moon was at 1:39 pm CST/3:39 pm PST. Feeling all of the feels as a Capricorn is not common but was oh so necessary!!

I encourage everyone to truly lean into all of the emotions that come up during this full moon and not run from them! Lean into the uncomfortable feelings. Unconscious biases and childhood traumas and self-sabotaging tendencies. Lean in digest and keep it moving. Don’t hang out too long there as you won’t be able to fully utilize the expansive and forward-looking, long-ranging goals and achievements that you want to accomplish!

Who will be affected by this Full Moon

If you have any personal planets within 5 degrees of this Cap 3-degree moon then you will truly feel this energy! 28 degrees of Sagittarius and 8 degrees of Capricorn respectively. Pay attention to how these moon 🌕 beams hit your sore spots! Also look at Cancer placements in the same degrees.Also the other two cardinal signs of Libra & Aries.

With this being a cardinal full moon you definitely will feel this emphasis on taking action and making strides in your career and main goals in life.

Do your future goals feel good??Do they still resonate?

Key questions to ask during this FULL MOON:

• Are my current actions in alignment with my future goals?

• Are there areas of my life that need more structure or restructuring?

• Do I need to add more healthy boundaries in my career, familiar relationships , love life, and friendships?

• Do I need to take time to emotionally process deep-seated fears and phobias that are holding me back from achieving my greatness?

• How’s my relationship with my parents? This axis rules both parental figures( Cancer-4th House-mother & Capricorn-10th House-father)

• Are you truly ready to let go of self-sabotaging tendencies and truly live the life of your dreams?

•Have I been fully FEELING my emotions?

Personal Chart Reflection

This full moon is basically conjunct my 5 degrees Capricorn Sun! So in my personal chart, it has felt like I have been totally enlightened and renewed in my soul mission! The moon is also 6 degrees away from my Capricorn North Node. (Yes my Sun is conjunct my north node and I totally understand I have a calling to truly follow my TRUE NORTH!! Lol) So personally this full moon is a welcome change from the confusion of this past Mercury Retrograde and energies!!

Everyone will feel these moon beams differently and I truly encourage you to lean in to it and process all of the emotions and to allow the regenerative quality of this Full Moon to transform your insight of who you are and who you want to be!!

Sending love & light and many blessings to you on this Full Moon 🌕

Peace & Love,

Karen Love