Brighter Souls

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July 2020 Check-In

July Check-In

So Crazy to think that half the Year is over! I seriously can not believe all of the transformative growth that I have experienced over the past four months of quarantine! There was a point where I realized that for my mental health and to completely, fully and truly return to center there was a need to step back from all social media and PAUSE.

This pause has been needed so that I can make sure my life is still in alignment with my TRUE purpose. Also to not do or say anything that was not how I truly felt. U felt weird feeling that way but now J realize in hindsight it was completely necessary and my way of coping and protecting myself! I have Saturn and Cap in the 12th House so I naturally can be reclusive and go to the depth of things! My main setback was the totally judgmental thoughts that were reoccurring because of the step back and pause……which ended up being a repetitive cycle!

But I still had to fully and completely surrender to the awakening I needed.

I encourage you to surrender to the breaking and tearing off of old skin and breaking down of the false shells of security and fully sit with yourself!

Do you like YOU?

Do you LOVE you?

Are you fully and intentionally practicing self-love or just self preservation?

This whole quarantine experience has truly forced us all to take a look at ourselves and our homes….Our foundation!

4 YEAR= Foundation building and testing!

There is no way I would have thought a pandemic would have forced a worldwide-house check but sometimes its best we don’t see what’s ahead as that can halt the beautiful unfolding necessary for our transformative growth!

What a powerful lesson it has been and truly grateful for!

We all also need to intentionally take stock of our personal home inside our h! This is the one that got me is because I didn’t realize that I had deep subconscious thoughts and fears that needed to be healed.
The forced pause conjured these deep thoughts from the depths of my soul as once they hit the surface and came to the light I realized that I had to heal them in order to overcome them!

Running away from the pain doesn’t make it any easier it just prolongs the process!

What feelings and emotions are you running away from?!!!

This Cancer season comes with TWO new moons and a impactful eclipse of the 4th of July with retrograde abound!! The forced feels and sensitivity i necessary for your growth… so don’t run but embrace the feelings of uncertainty.

For when we are able to comfortably sit with uncertainty is when we find our true calling.

Sending Love & Light ✨✨

Karen Love

“but sometimes its best we don’t see what’s ahead as that can halt the beautiful unfolding necessary for our transformative growth!”