Brighter Souls

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February 2020 Numerology& Astrology Forecast


February 2020 forecast

February has the vibration of two which is overall like the love month which is so fitting with it being on Valentine's Day on February 14 


Key Dates for the Month

Mercury Enters Pisces on 2/3 at 5:37 am CST

(Your communication may take on a dreamy and spiritual style. If your natal chart has a more earthy Mercury sign don't get frustrated by the ethereal quality of communication that is currently flowing around you. Don't force it flow with it.)

Venus Enters Aries on 2/7 at 2:02pm

(You will most likely find yourself wanting to show your amor love! Also will want to work up a sweat or you may meet Mr. Right in the gym!)
FULL Moon in Leo in 20 degrees on 2/9 at 1:33AM

Full blogpost coming up before the full moon so stay tuned. This full moon will encourage promotions and raises and being in the spot like. Any hard work you have done last July should be bearing fruit around this full moon.

Mars Enters Capricorn on 2/16 at 5:33 AM CST

(You will feel more inclined to focus on work which is great if you are in need of a career boost.)

Mercury Retrograde is hitting on 2/16 at 6:54pm CST in 12 degrees in Pisces

(really important to check where this exact degree of Pisces is in your natal chart as this will tell you a MAJOR clue of what area of your life needs to be reviewed)

Continues until March 10th

Full blogpost will highlight this retrograde so stay tuned!

Sun goes into Pisces on 2/18 at 10:57 pm CST

Sun is dancing into Pisces so expect a lot more spaceness and confusion on top of 

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces.

Try to proactively keep your feet on the ground and not let frustrations get to you during this time.

NEW Moon in Pisces on 2/23 at 9:32am

Full blogpost for positive affirmations so stay tuned!

Excellent time for spiritual aspirations to be written down and for Pisceans to crate their yearly goals on a vision board!

Overall the theme for the month of February is love as it's the vibration of 6 and family(2 Month + 4 Year(2+0+2+0) 

So I will say most people will feel that yearning for love  as is so fitting that Valentine's Day happens in February every year as everyone already has on their mind companionship partnership that is in alignment for a 2 month vibration. 

February is  also a really good time to get married so if you are considering getting married this a be a fantastic month to do so.

Marriage Bells πŸ”” πŸ’

If you are choosing a date I highly recommend getting married on a 9 Day as it will honor the vibration of a 2 Month and 6 day which would be on the  9th, 18th and 27th.

Of those three the  27th is the best day because it's talking about universal love and helping each other in love and commitment.

Okay so the best way to make February work for you is to calculate your personal numerology month. Keep reading to find out how to calculate your personal year and month.

Once calculated head down to your personal month for some kickass advice! 

First Calculate Personal Year,then Month

How to Calculate 

Add your Birth Month and Birth Day together

Then add +3 if you were born between March 1st- December 31st

Or Add +4 if you are born from Jan 1st to today

If born in February add 3 until it's your birthday then re-calculate with +4 (2020) as you are entering a whole new personal year


=Personal Year Total

To calculate your personal month +2 (February) 

Once you have that total answer.... scroll down to the bottom to find your personal month


Bday : 3/17/1995


+3 ( as birthday is 3/17)

+2 (Then add 2 for Feb)


7 Personal Month(20+3+2=25(2+5=7)

Another Example

Bday 1/25/2000


+4 (as birthday is 1/25 so add 4(2020)

+2 (Then add 2 for Feb)


5 Personal Month( 26+4+2=32(3+2=5)

If are still unsure of how to calculate your personal month or year, leave a comment below or click Let’s Chat (or Email BrighterInsightsCo@Gmail.Com/ Subject Line Feb2020PersonalYearHelp) and I am happy to advise you of your personal year complimentary!

One Personal Month

OK so since February is a universal month of six and if you are experiencing a one month you may not feel in balance or in alignment with others around you. You may want to go off on your own and start a new adventure, create something new.

Others around you may want to spend quality time with you but I encourage you to focus on yourself in that regard because this one month  is important for your independence.

Make sure you capitalize on this one month as you may not experience another one month unless your birthday is in December and you luckily have another one month in November. So if you're not born in December please plant those seeds of new ventures.

Capitalize on your trade or your creative pursuits, entrepreneurship and going outside of your comfort zone because this is where you will have that opportunity to do it.

So embrace it and flow with it and don't worry about what others are doing. 

I do wanna mention if you are in a one month then on Valentine's Day you will encounter a 6 day. So essentially even if you feel like the whole month that you are wanting to do your own thing when it comes to Valentine's Day this year you will want to be around your family, your partner and loved ones. Also a tip for a successful Valentines Day I recommend you allow your partner to plan it as you mainly will be focused on yourself this month.  Lastly don't have guilt this month as you focus on yourself as there are many blessings coming your way because of this month!

Two Personal Month

If you're experiencing a two month you will feel the overall vibration of LOVE and companionship for the month! So don't be shocked if you have a yearning for a partner if you're single. And if you're attached you will feel extra clingy and in need of affection.

You may want to just spend all day in-bed cuddled up with your honey🍯! But make sure you stay balanced as you don't want to give up personal responsibilities for the partnership. The time apart will also help you stay productive and when you  reunite it will be extra hot! 

Valentine's Day has a vibration of a 7 day for you so you will most likely want to stay inside on Valentines Day.

Candlelight dinner maybe? 

As you have a vibration a seven day be mindful that even though you may want to stay inside your honey may not want to if they are experience a different personal day. Compromise may be necessary so giving you a heads up! 

Three Personal Month

If you're experiencing a three personal month you will feel in alignment with the 6 universal month. 

As everyone will be focused on family you will be focused on having a great time. It should be a cheerful month overall for you. 

 A very lighthearted vibe compared to next month where it will be more stressful as hard work is needed so enjoy this month. I always 

say that if you are in the vibration of a three you are bringing Joy, laughter and cheer wherever you go.

It's like you are a walking glittery laughing rainbow everywhere you go.

You are truly impacting others with your positivity and cheerfulness and overall just positive attitude so enjoy this month. Ultimately you really will add so much positive energy and flair  to any parties that you attend on Valentine's Day. You will be highly requested with this cheerful vibe.

Valentines Day will have a personal day of an 8 vibration for you. You will be more focused on money this day,so be practical on your Vday plans if money is tight. There are many creative ways to show others your love without having to pay a big expense. 

Also it's possible you may work late or up could spark a romance with a work colleague.

Four Personal Month

If you are experiencing a four month don't be hard on yourself  this month! You could encounter more stress than normal this month. Don't allow yourself to be overcome with any self pity or anything like that. Make sure that you take the time to spend  quality time with your friends and family. 

It's important for you to proactively practice self-love and self care for yourself this month and have great stress management habits. Valentine's Day is an overall vibration of a nine day so you could be inclined to volunteer and help others feel loved in Valentines Day. By being able to serve others it will bring you so much fulfillment. Also there is a possibility of endings or doors closing on this day. Make sure you stay centered and don't sever ties too quickly because of the vibration but do allow things to unfold if a door closing is in alignment for you.
Five Personal Month:

If you are experiencing a five month you may feel a little more scattered as February has universal vibration of a 6 month.

Traveling this month is highlighted as you could find love far from home. Also  if you have a long distance relationship it will be a main subject of your focus.

If you work in sales you could be very busy as you have the gift of gab and have great sales presentations and is great for making money. If you don't stay focused you could waste this opportunity so be intentional about your goals this month. 

You have a lot of choices in the love department this month and you could have several people that would like to take you on a date.

On Valentine's Day you will have a universal one day. You may feel very independent and want to do your own thing I would definitely say to do your own thing!

Whatever you feel inclined to do  DO It!

Say hitting up a bar solo and meeting your next amour!!May the Love odds be in ever in your favor!So dress up in that hot sexy outfit that makes you feel so confident and strut your stuff on Valentine's Day and find your next boo!!  πŸ’˜ 

Six Personal Month

If you are experiencing a six-month you are in perfect alignment with the the universal vibration of a six-month!! You are so lucky! It's a blessing because you will be able to kind of lean into things better as it will feel quite natural for you. In February you will be more  focused on family and putting in the work to accomplish your goals and responsibilities. This will be a month that pulls on your heartstrings and make sure you make your family a priority this month!

On Valentine's Day you are experiencing a two day which is focused on companionship and love. 

Also a fantastic month and day for you to get married! Overall this is a really great month for you with the heavy emphasis on partnership. If you're single ask your family for a potential blind date chosen by them. Also if you're too shy to make the request at least communicate with your fam on VDay as you could be feeling lonely.

Seven Personal Month

If you are experiencing a 7 month you will be really more inclined to stay in  for the whole month. Not that you're a hermit but you will be more inclined to be introverted and prefer cozy nights in this month! As being inside will go against the grain of a six universal month don't be so hard on yourself as you are gathering energy and refueling your soul.

But when it comes to Valentine's Day this year you will feel like having or attending a party as you will be in especially good spirits. So don't let your introvertness  that you're feeling keep you in for the whole month.If you're offered a party invite you may think you're not up for it but when VDay comes up you will feel in the mood for it! Last minute shopping,yes please!!

I'm affirming for you that you're  gonna have an amazing time on Valentine's Day this year so go to that party girl!!

Eight Personal Month

If you are experiencing an eight personal month you will be focused on making  that paper!The main focus this month is making money and securing a raise or promotion or recognition.

Pay attention to your budget and any business ventures as well. 

On Valentine's Day actually looks like it might be a stressful day for you so if you don't pay attention to your stress and your healthy habits for the month VDay could be quite stressful. 

The good news is that you are reading this now so you can actively gameplan for success! Maybe have your partner help you plan the activities for VDay or maybe plan a Galentines Day party if single as you will be in a lighter and more joyful mood on the 13th! Have fun this month as you should be racking in the dough or capitalizing on opportunities!

Nine Personal Month

If you are experiencing a nine month then this is a good month for you to help others as much as you can as you really feel inclined to help others and you'll definitely feel like a lot of fulfillment. There will be opportunities for you to to really release anything from your past that is coming up. 9  months have a theme of  closures and endings and unexpected losses.

Sometimes the best way to go into this month is to just go  with the flow. 

So if anything comes up that you realize you have to close the door on go ahead and close the door. Also don't be shocked if you encounter any relationship issues as you will find yourself wanting to end bad habits and bad relationships. If your partner is not in alignment with where you want to go......? You know how it goes!By making the decision to end bad habits and mindset you will naturally start to shift and you're setting yourself up for the next month! 

On Valentine's Day this year you are experiencing a five day which is really cool because you will have a lot of options in the love department. You may even be inclined to travel outside of your normal routine and you could meet someone special.

Leave your options open and see what happens & make sure that you don't not take action because you have too many options!

Hope you guys enjoyed this monthly forecast for February and stay tuned for the remainder of the posts this month that focuses on other key planetary movements this month!​​​​

Love and Light,

Karen Love πŸ’•