Brighter Souls

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<strong>Gemini Lunar Eclipse at 8 Degrees at 3:29 AM CST</strong>

The Full Moon occurs at 3:29 am CST in 8 Degrees of Gemini.

”Eclipses are one of the most important cosmic events we experience. They signal big endings and beginnings and usher in change. During eclipse season, and especially with an unprecedented seven in the past year, the motto is: Expect the Unexpected. 

The partial Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini is the second to last eclipse before the end of 2020. This year we had a total of 7 eclipses, which is very rare. Most years we have 4-5 maximum.”- According to RisingWoman.Com regarding eclipses for 2020.

MAJOR CHANGES ARE AHEAD!! Which feels like the name of the game for 2020! The excerpt above explains the magnitude of eclipses and with it being in Gemini I would say there is an emphasis to pay attention to your shadow side your ”twin”. This Dr.Jekyl of sides can be expressed in a balanced way or a fiery way as the Sagittarius blunt energy will definitely force you to express your true self!

So buckle up for the unexpected with this early morning full moon and expect some surprises! As Gemini is the natural ruler of the 3rd House of communication this further enhances unexpected communication. Also if you have any major planets in the sign of Gemini or Sagittarius pay close attention to those areas to be affected.

Example I have Sag Mercury, & Sag Mars all located in my 10th House of Career so there is a high chance I could encounter unexpected news from work or a possible argument with a work colleague. 

Another example is if you have Saturn in Gemini in the 3rd House then you could encounter mental blocks, even writers block so be mindful of any presentations or reports due. Double shoot triple check your work!


-Write down your dreams from tonight's full moon beams as they could offer insight into a tough personal, work, or family situation.

-Make space for alone time to journal ur innermost thoughts 

-Be open with your feelings

-Follow-up on your plans you have been working on manifesting since the New Moon on May 22nd

-Allow things to go that try to leave during a Full Moon(exits made on Full Moons are considered kisses of affirmation from the universe that you are on the right path(LET IT GO!!)

Charge your beautiful crystals in the Full Moon Rays of this eclipse 

Use the full moon's energy to gently close doors with the affirmation that the correct doors will open for you in divine timing.

-Try Scripting-Creating your dream life in mind!

-Visualization-as well. If your mind can see it then you can achieve it!!


Force tough conversations unless you have harmonious Gemini placements

 -Spill others secrets that aren't yours to share(Go Easy with motor mouth Sag sun rays to speak too much!!)

-Don't have any expectations on what responses you will receive from these ”deep talks”

Hope these tips help you with this Gemini Full Moon Eclipse and you use this magical energy to your advantage! Remember  to communicate with intention, let things go that are trying to go, and intentionally have patience and withhold judgment of others with this chatty Full Moon 🌕 

Love & Light,

Karen Love