Brighter Souls

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September 2019 Numerology Forecast

Hey y'all can you believe it's already September!

September numerically is a 9 Month so it overall represents the entire vibration of the year for you as 9+ 2019= 3 Universal Month as 2019 is a 3 Universal Year!

Overall it's like a double vibration of 3 and the number 3 focuses on voice, speech and diction.

I was reading recently that there is so much power in your tongue to manifest good and also to manifest bad so make sure you manifest intentionally and smartly!

Overall this month should also be a reflection of your overall year. You will find some of the same themes that have been challenging you and also the strengths as well!

I like to think of September as one of the last chapters in the year before you start feeling the tide of the new year coming in.

To Calculate your Personal Year add together your Month and Day and then 2019 whatever that total is Equals your Personal Year.

For Example if your birthday is March 6th, you would add

3 (March) + 6 + 2019= 2028=(2+2+8=12

(12=(1+2) =3)

So you would have a personal year/Month of 3

Another example

April 28th

4 (April) + 28 + 2019 = 2060 (2+6=8)

I believe the personal year runs from Birthday to Birthday so if you are born at the end of the year then it would run from December 16th 2018- December 15th 2019

To calculate the Personal Month you would use โ€2018 until your birthday rolls around and then it would be 2019

Read below for example

12 (December) + 16+ 2018 =2046 =12/3

So from December 16th 2018- December 15th 2019 You are in a 3 Personal Year and once your birthday hits you enter a 4 Personal Year!

*As September is a 9 Month it's just a reflection of your personal year!

So 3+9=12 which equals 3

Okay so if you have properly calculated your personal year/month keep reading!

Additionally, if you have questions about calculating your personal year feel free to use my contact form as I will be doing a blogpost soon to help you out!

Personal Month/Year

1: If you are in a 1 Personal Year/ Month make sure you keep taking risks as there will be more opportunities this month for you to express your creativity and vision and reach your goals! If you find yourself wanting to make a leap for a new project or job or business venture allow yourself to hear the call and follow your gut! This month is full of entrepreneurial spirit for you and could bear fruits for years to come. This is the best month to START and not finish things! Also please make sure you stay open to the possibilities of fate!

2: If you are in a 2 Personal Year make sure you keep your EYES open for a possible love interest and business partnership! Please take those leaps necessary to try something new and go outside your comfort zone as you never know who you could meet this month(year) who could be your soulmate! Don't think just do!

3: If you are in a personal 3 Year then please keep that creativity flowing! Take that creative workshop and even that continued education course as you never know where your next big inspiration could come from! Also, be sure to keep a small compositional journal on hand as you could have ideas manifest out of air.

4 & 6 If you are in a personal 4 or 6 Year: PLEASE PLEASE plan a mini spa day for yourself you could find yourself more overwhelmed this month as setbacks could occur which is most likely a mirror for what the year has been.

It's so important for you to eat healthily as well as to plan for any possible setbacks. Healthy stress management tactics(yoga, massages, cardio, reading whatever floats your boat) are KEY to owning this month and the year! Relax and decompress is ๐Ÿ”‘!

5: If you are currently in a 5 Year make sure you practice balance and exercise healthy boundaries for the month ahead. Try to do everything in moderation and if you have the opportunity to TRAVEL..... Go!! Without a second of hesitation! Opportunities for expansion abound but also practice moderation!! Also a great month to kickstart any marketing and promotional activities for a business! Shine baby Shineโœจ

6: See 4 Personal Year

7: If you are in a 7 Personal Year make sure you schedule two key activities this month! A social activity and a spiritual activity! If you could go on a spiritual retreat with a small group of people the better! It's all about refilling your cup and expanding your personal spiritual desires as you desire! The whole year's theme is about expanding your spiritual knowledge and diving deep WITHIN! You may be more introverted this month but allow yourself to release any baggage you may be carrying and also don't be too hard on yourself because of past mistakes! Relax and don't judge yourself or others! Life comes in seasons so allow yourself to flow more inward because before you know it you will be out in the world showing all of the lessons you've learned this year!

8: If you are in a 8 Personal Year/Month: Allow yourself to be center stage without guilt and shame and full of confidence and competence! All of the hard work in previous months and years should be bearing delicious fruit as the fruits of your labor. Pay attention to all of the money flowing in and out of your life! And please keep track of all of the manifesting gifts you've received as this should be an abundantly blessed month for you business-wise and financially!

9: If you are in a 9 Personal Month/Year Give, Give but not too much that you over-extend yourself and become resentful. You will feel the call to serve on some type of level and it's important that you find a cause that you love and hold dear. Try not to go in half ass either as the correct organization for you to give too and serve should light you up with passion. You want your passion to fuel you when you actually do become tired as it's a higher purpose that fuels you! The main goal for this month if you haven't already found it is to find it! If you have found the organization for you Congrats ๐ŸŽ‰! That's half the battle as you are such a bright light this year for hearing the call to serve as your impact is MASSIVE! Additionally i want to note for this personal month and year you may encounter se.abrupt closings and door shuts that have all culminated and come to a head this month! Allow yourself to let these things go gracefully and to understand that any endings that happen this year and month are all for a higher purpose! Embrace that everything happens in seasons, even though you may be encountering endings best believe you will start some beginnings soon! Hang tight and have faith!