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Beginner Tips for Astrology Newbies

Tips & Tricks for Astrology Newbies

Hey yall today on the blog I am sharing some newbies tricks for any beginners!

If you just know your sun sign than this post is for you!

If you have never heard of an Ascendant or Moon sign then this post is for you!

If you think because you are a Cancer and you are not compatible with a Libra this is for you!

Lastly if you think because your boyfriend is a Scorpio he WILL cheat on you!

This post is for you!

Whats your sign???

First off there is more to your chart than just your SUN sign! The sun sign is the sign main stream talks about mainly which can be calculated by the date of birth and there are key features about yourself but there is WAY MORE to your chart than just the sun sign! The sun sign is like the tip of the iceberg in regards to the depth of a person you are!

*Also if you are born in the Cusp Days of 18-23rd of the Month I recommend you read the section below that highlights tips being born on the cusp! I also will be doing a FULL Post on Cuspy people!!! So stay tuned for that!


  1. Don’t judge someone by their sun sign as we are all multi-faceted beings!

    This is sooo MAJOR! Its all about leaving judgement at the door when you dive into astrology! Its about understanding that some aspects you are born with may not be as beneficial but it matters on how you express it! Someone could have a impulsive tongue(Mercury in Sag) but if you express yourself with tact and think before you respond then you can use that aspect for the better! If you work in philosophical, maybe even a professor than you can express yourself naturally in a field that honors your natural talents!

    Its all about perspective and expression!!

  2. Review YOUR chart!!!

    Knowing others starts by knowing thyself!!!

    Do review your personal chart to see how complicated and contradictory you are!

    My favorite websites for creating a Natal Chart with some type of interpretation for FREE is


    Click here for the natal chart!

    This website was my go-to when I was started out in the Astrology World! I was always re-reviewing it as it shows your whole chart (Moon, Ascendant, Mercury and Mars Placement)


    Click here to create a birth chart. Also go to Personal Portrait for a free highlight of the top placements!

    This website is for more advanced newbies! As there is a wealth of information like CafeAstrology but you get to SAVE charts when you create a FREE account! This is a major plus for those hopeless romantics out there lol!!

    I feel like the best way to understand astrology is through self mastery and by understanding your chart it will help you relate to others and understand your own beautiful contradictions!

  3. Whats your element?

    Earth, Air Water & Fire

    Fire, Earth, Air, Water

    Each Sun Sign has different elements that make up the sign.

    Example have you ever called a LEO or Sag fiery?? They usually get hot blooded when they are mad While water signs may find themselves crying with excitement and even anger!

Fire: Aries,Leo,Sagittarius

Earth Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn

Air: Gemini,Libra,Aquarius


They say when looking at compatability certain elements go better together than others!

Fire needs air to thrive just like earth does better with water to grow!

Fire and Earth can sometimes have devastating effects while air and water could be just stagnant water or a hurricane! Hahah its all about perspective but the big factor is you want the relationship to encourage growth and overall an easier flow and complementary aspect!

****So important is just because the elements are not complementary doe not mean the relationship will not survive it just means either partner has to understand]

Its more of an intuitive understanding and flow is easier with the elements! It does not mean you’re not compatible it just means you may have to work on communication better as you don’t intuitively understand each other sometimes! With time its most def possible!!

When looking at elements this is a basic overview and you can see how it

For Example: Fire+Air=WINNING COMBO


If not the other natural combos:

Fire+Fire . Water+Water

Earth+Earth Air+Air

This is a short overview of the elements but is important for quick understanding of how certain signs can interact with each other!

4. Where are your Houses…..???

This is what makes your chart uniquely you! Your house placement and Natal Chart is a beautiful masterpiece and represents your roadmap for this incarnation! It shows you the natural abilities and talents you have brought in from past lives and also shows you what your goals and talents to develop in this life! The specific placement of the planets in the specific houses adds more depth of information. No one has the exact time of chart as you! if someone was born on the same day but different time than their moon will be different degrees and possible a different sign if the moon changed signs that day. If they were born at the exact time but different city than they could have a different Ascendant! Even twins born minutes apart have a slight difference in charts. There is so much information in your chart! I believe that before you incarnate on Earth you choose the exact time of entrance and departure! When you know this you can’t help but feel empowered that you are here for a reason and there is nothing you can’t handle!!

5. Great Book Recs!!

If you are in search of good starter books and you like to dive deep outside of cyber world then keep scrolling! These books are from my own personal collection and I highly recommend them!

1.-The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need by Joanna Woolfolk

This book is AMAZING && sooo MARVELOUS for beginners!

I personally used this book when I started out as a newbie almost 12 years ago and its soooo good! It has all of the aspects and moon signs and even house placements! This book has all of them so you will feel encouraged to review others charts with your own to see how they interact!

2.-Astrology for Wellness by Monte Farber:

This is one of my go to books for Stree Management for my clients! As I review the dominant sign in your chart as well as your Ascendant in your solar return as you may exhibit different behavior yearly and need in corporate those characteristics into your life to better cope with stress!

Ex: I have a Virgo Ascendant on this solar return so I have noticed several Virgo traits: Anxiety, OverAnalyze and better Eating habits exhibited this year. So by reviewing the Virgo traits for stress management this has helped me simmer down those traits. As I have a Aquarius ascendant I do not feel as in flow when my solar return Ascendant is stressed! The book details yoga poses, crystal selections and even tea options! Ya’ll Ilove it and the cover is gorg! Need I say more!!

Basically this book is a GAMECHANGER!!

3.-Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller

  • This is a more in-depth book on the Nodes and also is a more advanced book! But you seriously will be surprised by how many people ask me about karma and this book addresses all of these questions and more! I love Jan Spiller as she is very raw and direct and does not worry about offending anyone in this classic!



(Cuspy babies beware! If you are born between the 18-23 of the month you are considered a Cusp person ad since you are in between the cusp of TWO signs it makes sense to verify what degree and sign you are born in!!

Ex: My sister was born on June 21st so more than half her life she thought she was a Gemini but she is a full blown 0 degree Cancer- this offered her sooo much relief and also validation as she is very psychic and in tune but also likes to be inside -everyone knows a Cancer Crab loves they’re homes!!

Anywho this is an example of how powerful it can be to verifying the date and degree!

As a Numerologist the degree of your chart matters a lot too! But not to make things too complicated I recommend you check out the websites above and also feel free to reach out to me HERE and I am happy to review your chart like I did my sister! Game Changer!!!

Peace & Love,

Karen Love