Brighter Souls

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This Mercury Retrograde kicked my @**

This Mercury Retrograde kicked my ass y'all!

It was seriously one for the books and one that seriously helped transform me for the next decade to come.

This Mercury Retrograde was the last one of the ENTIRE DECADE! Y'all I'm shooketh to the core at that tidbit.

That alone shows that it was super important to so many peoples growth and transformation.

This final Mercury Retrograde was in Scorpio from start to finish. Starting on Halloween 10/31  at 10:41AM CST  at 27.38 Degrees Scorpio and Finally going direct on  Wednesday November 20th at 1:11pm @ 11 degrees in Scorpio.

Talking about a lot of 11s for the day.

(Speaking of I saw so many 11s I started posting them on Instagram as I had to document each synchronicity!)

Back to this Retrograde according to Astrology.Com, & Gary Canton "And unusually, in the very middle of this particular retrograde, Mercury crosses right through the very heart of the sun—an event that astronomers call a “transit of Mercury.” This hasn’t happened in Scorpio since November 8, 2006, and it only happens around 13 times per century. In short, this is the rarest kind of Mercury retrograde, a chance to zoom into the very heart of something and witness it in a way we are hardly ever able to see in the bustle of our day-to-day lives. Since Scorpio is a water sign, this is accompanied by a penetrating emotional clarity that arrives as an inner epiphany."

I felt that in the depth of my soul! This Retrograde happened from start to finish in my 9th House of Traveling, Philosophy & Higher Knowledge! 

Also I have to add I have Venus Conjunct Pluto in my chart which is in my 9th House!! Y'all I'm telling you this was so transformative for me!

I always find that I just follow where I am guided and so I booked a couple of trips in October and November. Which in hindsight was in alignment with transformation with travel.

Did I encounter any delays with Mercury Retrograde in my 9th House?

Why of course I did....

Missed flight and having to book two double flights just to get home in time, Why yes I did!

But it seriously all taught me a big lesson you can't outrun the planets and fate.

It was all a lesson for the better and for a bigger purpose!

I write all of this to say that even the astrologer/numerologist  can get hit with Retrogrades effects! There is a difference in knowing and experiencing! That's why I love what I do so much when we are equipped with the knowledge of the planets and transits we can "prepare mentally and spiritually " and not be so shocked by the actions of others and things out of our control! Can we change it.... no but we can sure as hell approach it in a different way when we are equipped with that backpack of knowledge and knowing mindset of acceptance that allows any setbacks to flow much better with ease!

Thumbnail Courtesy of Moonlight Energy Healing

Article Cited from Astrology.Com-

Love & Light,

Karen Love 💕